Watts and watts of them.
In order to keep in line with increasingly pressing environmental concerns, City Ads has recently completed the installation of light-emitting diode (LED) lights to the iconic lamppost units. These have been fitted to replace the existing, traditional fluorescent tube lighting. This installation has been assisted with support and grant funding from the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Resource Efficiency Fund. The new LED lights will reduce the electricity rating of each unit from 320 Watts to 144 Watts, resulting in a 55% saving in electricity!
City Ads was established in 2009, after illuminated lamppost units around Leeds were left derelict following the collapse of a national advertising company. City Ads bought the units, refurbished them & opened the spaces up to local advertisers & charities. The lamppost units house industry standard 1.2m x 1.8m (6-sheet) advertising posters. The sites are situated next to arterial roads & have fantastic visibility. The posters are illuminated at night, with the advertisements being seen by passers-by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
LED lights, which won their inventors the 2014 Nobel Prize for physics, emit low heat levels, are very durable, and energy-efficient making it possible for them to outlast other types of bulbs by thousands of hours. Carbon dioxide emissions for LEDs are also low. LED’s are environmentally safe, produce virtually zero UV emissions and operate well in cold and hot temperatures. Most do not contain glass and therefore cannot be broken easily, making them resistant to all weather conditions, and perfect for outdoor use. All these benefits reduce greenhouse emissions from power plants and contribute to a more environmentally conscious workplace.
While LEDs are available in a variety of standard colours such as green, blue, red, and orange, they can also be blended together to produce millions of colour options, without including fixed filters for each one. This is what makes them ideal for interactive signage, signalling, advertising billboards and for the decorative illumination of buildings.

According to new government statistics, in England, almost a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions (18pc) come from businesses. LED lighting is an investment in our environment, and also for your business. A small change like this is easy for small businesses to carry out, saving you money on bills and the hassle of continually replacing lights in the long run!
Research has found that employees want to work for, and consumers want to buy from greener companies. Meaning that an overt, sustainability action plan could reap financial rewards for your company.
A sustainability initiative like this delivers instantaneous payback. With terrifying statistics such as the fact that climate change could be irreversible by 2030, the best time to make changes is now!

Some facts about the project:
- The installations will reduce the electricity rating of each unit from 320 Watts to 144 Watts, resulting in a 55% saving in electricity
- It’s estimated that over a year, the business will save 19,272 kWh equating to £3,276
- Pop Art Media was awarded a 25% grant by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Local Growth Fund.
- The value of grant given to the business is £1,086
Through the Resource Efficiency Fund, the LEP can help businesses to improve their environmental credentials and save money. For free support and information on how to reduce your energy, water and waste costs, call the LEP Growth Service on 0113 348 1818 or visit the-lep.com/resourceefficiency
We have put up some posters to announce the new installations – watch out for them round Leeds!

Call us on 0113 231 1774 to put your brand in the spotlight, whilst being environmentally conscious!